A new audio comic book series by Digikore Studios, "The Adventures of Charlie Black", will hit the global market by early 2016. A worldwide licensing program is planned with more than 200 issues in the works for the James Bond/Lara Croft-like character.
The first 12 audio episodes have already been recorded by producer Terry Derkach at VRTCL Entertainment. A merchandising program will follow and partners will be sought for accessories, apparel, domestic and linens, food and beverage, gifts and novelties, health and beauty aids, housewares and home furnishings, stationery and paper goods, toys and games, as well as mobile, console and PC games. "We will publish our comics through license arrangements with publishers all over the world," says Abhishek More, founder of Digikore Studios and creator of Charlie Black. "We are presently talking to various publishers in the U.S., U.K. and Europe to publish 'The Adventures of Charlie Black' and are also open to license proposals from publishers in Asia, Oceania, the Middle East and South America. CREDITS: VO, FOLEY, SCORING, MIX |